WFIA Annual Golf Tournaments are here! View upcoming information and details.

WFIA Legislative Priorities

WFIA represents the grocery & convenience store industries. Our issues are very broad yet unique. Some of our issues include labor, transportation, food waste, sustainability, and taxes.

The Association advocates the interests of the independent grocery  and convenience store industries on state legislative and regulatory issues that could significantly impact the business operations of our retailer and wholesaler member companies. Our strength is in our members and WFIA represents unique and diverse members in every corner of the state.

WFIA 2025 Priority Issues

Retail Theft/Public Safety

WFIA continues to advocate for solutions that address the ongoing issue of retail theft and public safety. As these crimes become more prevalent and more violent, employee and customer safety remains our top priority.

Sales of Low-Proof Beverages

WFIA supports allowing stores under 10,000 sq. ft. to sell low-proof beverages. By definition, a "low-proof beverage" is any beverage that is 16ounces or less, contains more than .5% alcohol by volume and less than 7% alcohol by volume, but does not include wine, malt beverages, or malt liquor. WFIA also supports proposals reducing taxes on low-proof beverages.

Employment Law

WFIA opposes several employment-related bills this session:·        

* Increasing the Statewide Minimum Wage: Washington boasts the 2nd highest statewide minimum wage in the country at $16.66 per hour and several cities have the highest minimum wage in the U.S. WFIA opposes increasing the minimum wage beyond the yearly CPI inflator.

* Extending Unemployment Insurance Benefits to Striking Workers: Unemployment insurance benefits are intended for workers who lose their job through no fault of their own. Unlike most workers who are unemployed, striking workers have a job to return to after the end of the strike. Conversely employees who have been terminated or laid off have no job awaiting them, and it is these workers who the UI system is designed to help.

* Expanding Paid Family Medical Leave Benefits: WFIA does not support lowering the qualifying hours threshold for Paid Family Medical Leave Benefits and does not support removing the small employer exemption for job protections.

Deposit Return Systems for Beverage Containers (Bottle Bill)

WFIA does not support deposit return systems for beverage containers. Instead, we encourage the Legislature to look at Washington’s existing structure for funding, waste reduction, recycling and consumer education for creative solutions that will make a difference in reducing plastic waste in our waste streams.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

WFIA is monitoring Extended Producer Responsibility proposals that would establish a program for the management of consumer packaging and paper products to be funded and implemented by producers of those products. We remain concerned about cost implications for our consumers and continue to ask the Legislature to complete a needs assessment in advance of an EPR program.

Join the WFIA Retro Program

We specialize in administering workers' compensation Retrospective Rating (Retro) programs and have more experience than any other company in the state.